Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Value of Life

This one looks pretty simple for an incident, but came to my fore as one eventful one. We often value things with money. Sometimes its people, sometimes it material and so on and so forth. Life is what we say, cant be measured or valued by money.

Sometimes we incessantly do value life with money as I did the other day. Evening arrived and me and my roomie rushed to our house to pack up things for a long leave ahead. The moment we reached there, to our disgust we found our house locked from the inside. We had the keys, but we couldnt open the door. We tried in vain. Quickly we called the guard or the Gurkha who was loitering downstairs. He tried his best but it was futile. It then clicked to my mind that the only way in was to enter the house from the balcony. A look at the way to the balcony was seemingly dangerous.

My friend managed to put sense into me not to climb the wall and enter the balcony, coz he didnt want me to risk it. We asked our Gurkha if he would do it. He saw it and initially refused. But with persistence he okayed himself and got a ladder. While we took control of the ladder in order to let it not sway, inside we knew the danger. One little shake and the man would be down 4 floors. My heart was in my mouth as he took a daring step and managed to pull of a magical climb to the balcony. We went through and thanked him.

As a gesture I handed him a 100 Re note for his antic. My friend suggested I give 50. Thats when I was beginning to think about this value of life. Was his heroism only valued at 100 Rs. Did he deserve more or does he deserve something else. He took the note happily and I saluted him in a true manner. His heroism for me was invaluable. I shook my head and smiled. But these thoughts lingered my mind that whole night.



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