Monday, October 17, 2005

Our Two Years

I arrived at the footsteps
In the bright sunshine of July
To a place unknown

With a lot of desires
A thought to learn
Fingers burning, my body full of energy

The crowd was maddening
With buzzing faces
All had arrived, with desires a plenty

My mind questioned
What would happen next?
Am I at the right place?

Answers I sought
As it beared and shook me
I was there to be counted

The previous years were an experience
As I made my mark
Found and left friends and Foes

I missed them a plenty
It was the feeling of being alone
I felt nostalgic, being at college yet again

Life came in a full circle
As I breathed through the first term
I hadn’t done too much

Hadnt found people alike
Alike in my thoughts
Alike my lifestyle

Again it lingered, my mind did
Questioned yet again
Was I supposed to be here?

The answers arrived slowly
As I made a group
Amongst my peers

The initial days breezed fast
I made a foray into learning
Learning, if our minds met

Results soon arrived
I had made my first sincere attempt
And I came out flying

Distances Shortened amongst us
We came in together
Talked a plenty about lives and pasts

There struck the chord
I saw it, I heard
Yes came the answer, I found them

Terms passed by, as we got closer
We bound ourselves
For there was room for more

Some arrived, some departed
We were getting to our own
As some of us discovered

But the contrast was showing
The differences were a plenty
Those who could take it, stayed!!!

Rivalry and crossings were a plenty
We met the opposites
They looked strong and bold

We were challenged
We did not step back
Inside we saw the rot

It arrived one day
As some hearts were broken
We stood silent and watched

Surprises weren’t few
As someone was to arrive new
We took the darndest steps

We took it to the world
We took it to them
“We have arrived”, was the slogan

The earlier grudges went
No sooner she came
She found new friends

It was a dilemma
For her and for us
We took it literally as a sign of the good

Moments came and came happy
We shook the place with might
Courage describes it at best

We played, learnt and had fun
Moments came skewed
All along the togetherness

Then came the placements
And we were in steaming mode
We woke up to the time

We sulked amongst ourselves
As life’s plan was chalked
Disappointments and greatness shadowed minds

Some faces came motioned
Emotions of the anxious
Emotions of the wait

Illuminated was the scene
Slowly and steadily it came
As each one found their ground

We rejoiced as each one got placed
We calmed a few who were derailed
For time was coming near

We delivered at pace
Though it was a slow
It came for all and then there was silence

The mood was swinging
Deep within we knew
What was destined ahead

We shook our heads
As in disbelief
The truth was coming near

It was time to depart
For a few had to leave faraway
For a few would be together

It was written as its said
That time waits for no one
Life was set to change

We sat together in arms
Folded across and tied
Wished and promised to never break apart

It taught me a lot
This experience at the place
I had taken the right step

I had my answer
It made me smile
I was in awe struck mode

Departures happened as time arrived
I knew within myself
And I let my desires go

I knew I wasn’t losing
A bunch I love a lot
We are still tied together in a string unbroken


Divya said...

it all looks like yesterday...the day we all came....the first day when we signed our name at the entrance marking our arrival...friendships misunderstood, new friends made...those tears which wouldnt stop...those smile which made them stop...heartbreaks...truths...all just seem like yesterday.....

chint2 said...

i just have to say that its a beautiful expression of thought , u have made me live my two years once again,

just wanna say that i dont know where all of us land up in life , dont know will we meeet again, but i know for sure that in our hearts and mind we will always remain close ans wherever life takes us we will always be a call away.

and why are we writing so much about pain and memories
i think we will still have loads of fun ahead of us , those 2 years were just a trailer , we still got to see the whole film.