Dont know!! Why I make promises.. when i know its hard to keep them up.. They just transcend away with time and usually disappoint everyone.. When I am out to make people happy and myself the same I keep hopes that I shall meet my promises this time. But again and again they turn futile on me.
I feel sometimes work takes toll on u not least with the amount and kind of it but with a change in place. For some reason it takes away from u the joy of having people around u love the most.
In this case.. as my grp wud understand it.. I yet again dive into the unknown.. for time will tell if I am gonna be around in one place or not.
Crazy lil thing makes me confused.. which is to be happy or not.. the last time I left hometown it was only similar.. leaving back ppl i am so used to..and finding ppl around here(bangalore) whom i was so used to.. made them promises..but the tide turned against me.. yet again.. dont know how i can console myself or them.. happy for ppl back there.. sad to leave the ppl here..
I dont know whether to make promises yet again.. promises to ppl in hometown tht i am there forever.. promises to ppl here that i shall be back someday..
All i can say is its difficult for my ppl more than me.. i can only suffice myself with the fact that atleast I have someone around.. Ideally, I claim to wish that this ordeal gets over soon.. and all of us are together..
Grumble!! Grumble!! is all I can do till then.. wait for time to see if it ever will come true..
Thanks for bearing me, all of u!!
As my mind lingers with thoughts and the expression of them becomes neccessary, this space comes to me as a bucket for its collection. Randomness is what describes best what I pen here. RANDOMLY URZ!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Guys and gals!!!! of the GANG.... Please view this blog of lonavala from bottom to top... Rest assured it will make sense..... ENJOY!!!!

1) We learnt a thing or two abt driving a vehicle from our sardar sahab..
2) I won the race between the three of us.. I know u ppl will kill me.. but me standing right in between means top position!!
3) The expressions on our faces described our day at Lonavala..
4) I wish and hope that we go there once again with more people next time.. sorry guys and gals who missed this out..
4) Long live our GANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEE NO EVIL- Rajo- i know how much tht dosent suit his eyes!!!
HEAR NO EVIL- Isnt Motu Always wanting to hear those Gaali's and give back some too..
DO NO EVIL- well he is our Green Peace organisation member.. Wonder why rajo always rajo calls him Jaanwar(Animal)!!!!!

Road to Lonavala
Monday, November 07, 2005
Review of Shawshank Redemption
The Shawshank Redemption is to me a story of not only a jail break but of an intensely etched human emotion depicted flawlessly. Its cinema at excellence de par. The storyline, mimic and the cast come together as a perfect entanglement. Should I say more, than I am at loss of words at expressing it. The Oscars to its credit comes less for what it depicts.
Shawshank for the first timers is a state house prison. Its ugly realities comes across quickly as we are scene to a corrupt warden and some sadistic home guards. In comes Andy(Tim Robbins) who has been accused of a double murder and is strolled around the prison to be educated of the rules and regulations. What we see is a horrendous scene of guards and their leader putting the inmates through a eye raising series of torcher. Our man, an unlikely hero among the inmates is put to the sling. The scene is repeated at will to embed our eyes of the horror with which prison inmates are treated. A ghastly moment comes across with one of the inmates put to deathbed. As the inmates develop an uncanny relation amongst themsleves at the dinner table we see Red(Morgan Freeman) developing a special liking towards Andy. Together they learn of each others past and the repertoire they possess. While Andy is a banker, he readily puts his skills across table. He calls for managing the investments of his fellow mates and also finds a friend in the Library chief Bill. His reputation for patience pays as he brings about changes to the lives of people around him. He reforms the library and brings together some of his inmates to booze along with the warden. The transformation of the library brings to our eyes a sense of wetness. For the humor quotient there is Red, whose pardon, lies in answering a series of questions. The answer ceases to remain same each time and the stamp on it seals rejected. Its sure to tickle the funny bone.
Some nerve wracking moments are posted in the movie with great poise. The scene where Bill is set to retire and his search for a changed life at a grocery shop is beautifully shot. He cracks at the helm by hanging himself and smudges the wall to say BILL WAS HERE. The cleverness of Andy at studying geophysical novels is worth the wait. The background narration of Morgan Freeman is first rate. We wait to watch when the jail break will happen and it happens a slow pace. What makes it so rendering to watch is the way Andy breaks through and lets Red join. The climax of a violent and well sketched plan is never put across as Andy muddles his way out through endless amount of patience and decades of work. That Red makes his way out passing the fragile set of questions of the pardoning committee is answered as it lingers us. The way with which Andy sets clue for Red to be together at the end is heartwarming. And the smudged wall where Bill darned his presence is added to with the names of Andy and Red. It leaves our mind in exasperation for more such cinema. We are indeed brought together for this endlessly watchable film.
"Go get it".
Shawshank for the first timers is a state house prison. Its ugly realities comes across quickly as we are scene to a corrupt warden and some sadistic home guards. In comes Andy(Tim Robbins) who has been accused of a double murder and is strolled around the prison to be educated of the rules and regulations. What we see is a horrendous scene of guards and their leader putting the inmates through a eye raising series of torcher. Our man, an unlikely hero among the inmates is put to the sling. The scene is repeated at will to embed our eyes of the horror with which prison inmates are treated. A ghastly moment comes across with one of the inmates put to deathbed. As the inmates develop an uncanny relation amongst themsleves at the dinner table we see Red(Morgan Freeman) developing a special liking towards Andy. Together they learn of each others past and the repertoire they possess. While Andy is a banker, he readily puts his skills across table. He calls for managing the investments of his fellow mates and also finds a friend in the Library chief Bill. His reputation for patience pays as he brings about changes to the lives of people around him. He reforms the library and brings together some of his inmates to booze along with the warden. The transformation of the library brings to our eyes a sense of wetness. For the humor quotient there is Red, whose pardon, lies in answering a series of questions. The answer ceases to remain same each time and the stamp on it seals rejected. Its sure to tickle the funny bone.
Some nerve wracking moments are posted in the movie with great poise. The scene where Bill is set to retire and his search for a changed life at a grocery shop is beautifully shot. He cracks at the helm by hanging himself and smudges the wall to say BILL WAS HERE. The cleverness of Andy at studying geophysical novels is worth the wait. The background narration of Morgan Freeman is first rate. We wait to watch when the jail break will happen and it happens a slow pace. What makes it so rendering to watch is the way Andy breaks through and lets Red join. The climax of a violent and well sketched plan is never put across as Andy muddles his way out through endless amount of patience and decades of work. That Red makes his way out passing the fragile set of questions of the pardoning committee is answered as it lingers us. The way with which Andy sets clue for Red to be together at the end is heartwarming. And the smudged wall where Bill darned his presence is added to with the names of Andy and Red. It leaves our mind in exasperation for more such cinema. We are indeed brought together for this endlessly watchable film.
"Go get it".
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Value of Life
This one looks pretty simple for an incident, but came to my fore as one eventful one. We often value things with money. Sometimes its people, sometimes it material and so on and so forth. Life is what we say, cant be measured or valued by money.
Sometimes we incessantly do value life with money as I did the other day. Evening arrived and me and my roomie rushed to our house to pack up things for a long leave ahead. The moment we reached there, to our disgust we found our house locked from the inside. We had the keys, but we couldnt open the door. We tried in vain. Quickly we called the guard or the Gurkha who was loitering downstairs. He tried his best but it was futile. It then clicked to my mind that the only way in was to enter the house from the balcony. A look at the way to the balcony was seemingly dangerous.
My friend managed to put sense into me not to climb the wall and enter the balcony, coz he didnt want me to risk it. We asked our Gurkha if he would do it. He saw it and initially refused. But with persistence he okayed himself and got a ladder. While we took control of the ladder in order to let it not sway, inside we knew the danger. One little shake and the man would be down 4 floors. My heart was in my mouth as he took a daring step and managed to pull of a magical climb to the balcony. We went through and thanked him.
As a gesture I handed him a 100 Re note for his antic. My friend suggested I give 50. Thats when I was beginning to think about this value of life. Was his heroism only valued at 100 Rs. Did he deserve more or does he deserve something else. He took the note happily and I saluted him in a true manner. His heroism for me was invaluable. I shook my head and smiled. But these thoughts lingered my mind that whole night.
Sometimes we incessantly do value life with money as I did the other day. Evening arrived and me and my roomie rushed to our house to pack up things for a long leave ahead. The moment we reached there, to our disgust we found our house locked from the inside. We had the keys, but we couldnt open the door. We tried in vain. Quickly we called the guard or the Gurkha who was loitering downstairs. He tried his best but it was futile. It then clicked to my mind that the only way in was to enter the house from the balcony. A look at the way to the balcony was seemingly dangerous.
My friend managed to put sense into me not to climb the wall and enter the balcony, coz he didnt want me to risk it. We asked our Gurkha if he would do it. He saw it and initially refused. But with persistence he okayed himself and got a ladder. While we took control of the ladder in order to let it not sway, inside we knew the danger. One little shake and the man would be down 4 floors. My heart was in my mouth as he took a daring step and managed to pull of a magical climb to the balcony. We went through and thanked him.
As a gesture I handed him a 100 Re note for his antic. My friend suggested I give 50. Thats when I was beginning to think about this value of life. Was his heroism only valued at 100 Rs. Did he deserve more or does he deserve something else. He took the note happily and I saluted him in a true manner. His heroism for me was invaluable. I shook my head and smiled. But these thoughts lingered my mind that whole night.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Our Two Years
I arrived at the footsteps
In the bright sunshine of July
To a place unknown
With a lot of desires
A thought to learn
Fingers burning, my body full of energy
The crowd was maddening
With buzzing faces
All had arrived, with desires a plenty
My mind questioned
What would happen next?
Am I at the right place?
Answers I sought
As it beared and shook me
I was there to be counted
The previous years were an experience
As I made my mark
Found and left friends and Foes
I missed them a plenty
It was the feeling of being alone
I felt nostalgic, being at college yet again
Life came in a full circle
As I breathed through the first term
I hadn’t done too much
Hadnt found people alike
Alike in my thoughts
Alike my lifestyle
Again it lingered, my mind did
Questioned yet again
Was I supposed to be here?
The answers arrived slowly
As I made a group
Amongst my peers
The initial days breezed fast
I made a foray into learning
Learning, if our minds met
Results soon arrived
I had made my first sincere attempt
And I came out flying
Distances Shortened amongst us
We came in together
Talked a plenty about lives and pasts
There struck the chord
I saw it, I heard
Yes came the answer, I found them
Terms passed by, as we got closer
We bound ourselves
For there was room for more
Some arrived, some departed
We were getting to our own
As some of us discovered
But the contrast was showing
The differences were a plenty
Those who could take it, stayed!!!
Rivalry and crossings were a plenty
We met the opposites
They looked strong and bold
We were challenged
We did not step back
Inside we saw the rot
It arrived one day
As some hearts were broken
We stood silent and watched
Surprises weren’t few
As someone was to arrive new
We took the darndest steps
We took it to the world
We took it to them
“We have arrived”, was the slogan
The earlier grudges went
No sooner she came
She found new friends
It was a dilemma
For her and for us
We took it literally as a sign of the good
Moments came and came happy
We shook the place with might
Courage describes it at best
We played, learnt and had fun
Moments came skewed
All along the togetherness
Then came the placements
And we were in steaming mode
We woke up to the time
We sulked amongst ourselves
As life’s plan was chalked
Disappointments and greatness shadowed minds
Some faces came motioned
Emotions of the anxious
Emotions of the wait
Illuminated was the scene
Slowly and steadily it came
As each one found their ground
We rejoiced as each one got placed
We calmed a few who were derailed
For time was coming near
We delivered at pace
Though it was a slow
It came for all and then there was silence
The mood was swinging
Deep within we knew
What was destined ahead
We shook our heads
As in disbelief
The truth was coming near
It was time to depart
For a few had to leave faraway
For a few would be together
It was written as its said
That time waits for no one
Life was set to change
We sat together in arms
Folded across and tied
Wished and promised to never break apart
It taught me a lot
This experience at the place
I had taken the right step
I had my answer
It made me smile
I was in awe struck mode
Departures happened as time arrived
I knew within myself
And I let my desires go
I knew I wasn’t losing
A bunch I love a lot
We are still tied together in a string unbroken
I arrived at the footsteps
In the bright sunshine of July
To a place unknown
With a lot of desires
A thought to learn
Fingers burning, my body full of energy
The crowd was maddening
With buzzing faces
All had arrived, with desires a plenty
My mind questioned
What would happen next?
Am I at the right place?
Answers I sought
As it beared and shook me
I was there to be counted
The previous years were an experience
As I made my mark
Found and left friends and Foes
I missed them a plenty
It was the feeling of being alone
I felt nostalgic, being at college yet again
Life came in a full circle
As I breathed through the first term
I hadn’t done too much
Hadnt found people alike
Alike in my thoughts
Alike my lifestyle
Again it lingered, my mind did
Questioned yet again
Was I supposed to be here?
The answers arrived slowly
As I made a group
Amongst my peers
The initial days breezed fast
I made a foray into learning
Learning, if our minds met
Results soon arrived
I had made my first sincere attempt
And I came out flying
Distances Shortened amongst us
We came in together
Talked a plenty about lives and pasts
There struck the chord
I saw it, I heard
Yes came the answer, I found them
Terms passed by, as we got closer
We bound ourselves
For there was room for more
Some arrived, some departed
We were getting to our own
As some of us discovered
But the contrast was showing
The differences were a plenty
Those who could take it, stayed!!!
Rivalry and crossings were a plenty
We met the opposites
They looked strong and bold
We were challenged
We did not step back
Inside we saw the rot
It arrived one day
As some hearts were broken
We stood silent and watched
Surprises weren’t few
As someone was to arrive new
We took the darndest steps
We took it to the world
We took it to them
“We have arrived”, was the slogan
The earlier grudges went
No sooner she came
She found new friends
It was a dilemma
For her and for us
We took it literally as a sign of the good
Moments came and came happy
We shook the place with might
Courage describes it at best
We played, learnt and had fun
Moments came skewed
All along the togetherness
Then came the placements
And we were in steaming mode
We woke up to the time
We sulked amongst ourselves
As life’s plan was chalked
Disappointments and greatness shadowed minds
Some faces came motioned
Emotions of the anxious
Emotions of the wait
Illuminated was the scene
Slowly and steadily it came
As each one found their ground
We rejoiced as each one got placed
We calmed a few who were derailed
For time was coming near
We delivered at pace
Though it was a slow
It came for all and then there was silence
The mood was swinging
Deep within we knew
What was destined ahead
We shook our heads
As in disbelief
The truth was coming near
It was time to depart
For a few had to leave faraway
For a few would be together
It was written as its said
That time waits for no one
Life was set to change
We sat together in arms
Folded across and tied
Wished and promised to never break apart
It taught me a lot
This experience at the place
I had taken the right step
I had my answer
It made me smile
I was in awe struck mode
Departures happened as time arrived
I knew within myself
And I let my desires go
I knew I wasn’t losing
A bunch I love a lot
We are still tied together in a string unbroken
Thursday, October 13, 2005
The Little Boy
I usually wait at the bus stop every morning gathering my thoughts on the previous days work while also constantly reminding myself of having to fetch some for the day. Its usually fun at the place coz I being a keen observer of peoples behaviour tend to gather their motion. Its routine to see people and a host of similar faces at the queue. Some smile, while others just seem to lack the mood of getting into the daily routine. Some are happlessly disgrunted at the buses arriving late and keep pouring comments. As for the comments they come in plenty of style and skewed amplifications. There is a particular lady who waits daily at the same time and wonders if I was there only to watch her. She aint too cute as she supposes herself to be. She managed a smile the other day. Thats routine!!! for most people as they wonder if life could offer more than just this.
To a contrast and to compare I have this little boy at the Bus stand who seems refreshingly different and lovable at first sight. He comes every morning, dressed differently for each occassion as he creates them. Standardized as it is he wears a khaki clad pant and shirt to imitate a bus conductor, a white shirt and brown trouser to suit the traffic police and sometimes neatly ironed formals or casuals. Obvious contrast to his attire, he comes from a poor family background. A lovely whistle blowing device in his hand and what looks like a poor mans Rayban sunglasses to darn his innocent face.
What he performs at the place is worth the wait. He stands like a traffic guide, controlling the angry faced bus drivers who speed into the stand without notice of the people walking. He whistles shrill enough for the driver to slow down. Next he is all zipping an zapping around singing songs that suits the situation. Ranging from latest hits to oldies his voice may not exactly sound music to the ears, but nevertheless he is his own king and is not perturbed by the laughing public. He sings to the ladies that pass by, but for as little as he is I wouldnt blame his intention. Its a gag to see the responses of the ladies that he showers his music upon. They laugh amongst themselves. As for another help, he takes incharge of queues and yells at people breaking them to enter the buses as they arrive.
What makes him so likeable is that he is a free guide of his thoughts. It dosent seem to affect him what people may think of him. He may be little, but mind it the stuff he performs dosent show he is immatured. Such freedom is what we lack for ourselves. We think too much about surroundings and what effects it would have on our nature of actions. It all ratifies us into tension and lets us feel unimportant. We act, so as to gather attraction and we fail. Initially, when I saw the little boy I too laughed along with my mates, but sooner I learnt that he wasnt performing for me or for the others. He attracts attention to teach people a lesson, a lesson to guide our thoughts freely and not be influenced by the majority. I learnt it from him. It took me time to understand, but eventually I managed. Think about it.
To a contrast and to compare I have this little boy at the Bus stand who seems refreshingly different and lovable at first sight. He comes every morning, dressed differently for each occassion as he creates them. Standardized as it is he wears a khaki clad pant and shirt to imitate a bus conductor, a white shirt and brown trouser to suit the traffic police and sometimes neatly ironed formals or casuals. Obvious contrast to his attire, he comes from a poor family background. A lovely whistle blowing device in his hand and what looks like a poor mans Rayban sunglasses to darn his innocent face.
What he performs at the place is worth the wait. He stands like a traffic guide, controlling the angry faced bus drivers who speed into the stand without notice of the people walking. He whistles shrill enough for the driver to slow down. Next he is all zipping an zapping around singing songs that suits the situation. Ranging from latest hits to oldies his voice may not exactly sound music to the ears, but nevertheless he is his own king and is not perturbed by the laughing public. He sings to the ladies that pass by, but for as little as he is I wouldnt blame his intention. Its a gag to see the responses of the ladies that he showers his music upon. They laugh amongst themselves. As for another help, he takes incharge of queues and yells at people breaking them to enter the buses as they arrive.
What makes him so likeable is that he is a free guide of his thoughts. It dosent seem to affect him what people may think of him. He may be little, but mind it the stuff he performs dosent show he is immatured. Such freedom is what we lack for ourselves. We think too much about surroundings and what effects it would have on our nature of actions. It all ratifies us into tension and lets us feel unimportant. We act, so as to gather attraction and we fail. Initially, when I saw the little boy I too laughed along with my mates, but sooner I learnt that he wasnt performing for me or for the others. He attracts attention to teach people a lesson, a lesson to guide our thoughts freely and not be influenced by the majority. I learnt it from him. It took me time to understand, but eventually I managed. Think about it.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Memories-my description
First things first..great amazes me how our group can write so well.. i see we are all destined to get somewhere..
Its as u said memories are the ones that keep me alive and kicking..the days at lectures..the mock at teachers..copying at the exams..gaalis of my mates..rivalry of the sections..sitting at the steps..sipping tea at the backyard..talking endless crap..the dinners at places..dkch lunch..screwing up the exams..sitting together to study..organising annual functions..trying a hand at love..together at the movies..hours at the hub..betrayals,trials,heartbreaks and an infinite more..can these ever fade..
not until my grave..
love to all..
Its as u said memories are the ones that keep me alive and kicking..the days at lectures..the mock at teachers..copying at the exams..gaalis of my mates..rivalry of the sections..sitting at the steps..sipping tea at the backyard..talking endless crap..the dinners at places..dkch lunch..screwing up the exams..sitting together to study..organising annual functions..trying a hand at love..together at the movies..hours at the hub..betrayals,trials,heartbreaks and an infinite more..can these ever fade..
not until my grave..
love to all..
My comments
Firstly,I just cant define the state of happiness and its opposite in a simplistic manner.. I always thought it meant differently to different ppl..and moreover its a happy and a sad fact that no one can live in the future..I have made it contrarily possible to make myself live in the present.. rather to put it, do i have a choice..there is somethin called hope which stays in the heart.. and as far as questions are concerned .. for the mere mortals and their extinction to come.. it shall cease to exist..
Have u ever thought why are we even living?? If things are so cyclical then why does life exist?? every individual is born to die, and his life is like a mere theatrical play where situations come alike to one and all in different times.. i just think everyone strives to do different things and get recognised..some achieve it, some dont.. my answer to it all is that we are born to grow.. grow as an individual.. grow in knowledge.. grow in our groups we trust in..
to all this I guess we all need to question, why is this so?? many times we fail to rise to the occasion coz we simply dont care.. or are rather afraid to fail..i retort as my friend said.. we all aint alone in the world.. and if at the end of the day..if we manage a smile over the mirror and say to ourselves that I grew and learnt.. and I changed someones life.. or I managed to keep with me things that I love.. be it people or material..then i guess u lived it for the day..
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal lifeSailu
Have u ever thought why are we even living?? If things are so cyclical then why does life exist?? every individual is born to die, and his life is like a mere theatrical play where situations come alike to one and all in different times.. i just think everyone strives to do different things and get recognised..some achieve it, some dont.. my answer to it all is that we are born to grow.. grow as an individual.. grow in knowledge.. grow in our groups we trust in..
to all this I guess we all need to question, why is this so?? many times we fail to rise to the occasion coz we simply dont care.. or are rather afraid to fail..i retort as my friend said.. we all aint alone in the world.. and if at the end of the day..if we manage a smile over the mirror and say to ourselves that I grew and learnt.. and I changed someones life.. or I managed to keep with me things that I love.. be it people or material..then i guess u lived it for the day..
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal lifeSailu
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